Thursday, April 21, 2005

When I Grow Up

What do I want to be when I grow up?
Or is it Who do I want to be when I grow up?

This question gets posed. You and I have both asked it. We have been asked it. This question becomes an opening line in a speech, a question to a student or filler in conversation.

The answers to this question are diverse. A Joke. An excuse. A reason for perpetual youth. A Career.

Maybe someone’'s answer to this question is not the primary part. Maybe it is the question itself that contains some meaning. Are we becoming people or things. "Who”" or "“What”?" That is the question.

If we are becoming ‘things’ like pants, iPods, purses or Jaguars, then I do not like becoming ‘things.”

You are a person –-- a who. The person into whom you are growing develops by the things you do (consume, pursue, think) -- – the what’s. Maybe today we need some new things to pursue. New things to show off. Brand new things to talk about.

Are you ready? Here goes . . . (read slowly, pause, take your time)
May we
Track God in Faith through our doubts
Reveal Love as our trademark in a market of hate
Voice Hope of good news clearly in the static of despair
in other words
seek Faith, show Love and speak Hope

Real WHOs –are characterized by these THINGs: Faith, Hope and Love.

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