Friday, April 15, 2005

Follow Me

Today I am so thankful for you. Thanks for your emails. I thank you for prayers and encouraging words. Thank you for stopping by to read.

Is it possible to have a virtual following? I am wondering if maybe the internet is the perfect place to have virtual followers. This is not for aggrandizement or self-promotion. Quite the contrary. This is a location for community. Your presence makes this a community. My entire life has been expended toward relationship with God. However, I long to share time with you. If you want to spend some time with me, then I would be honored for us to travel and talk here in this place of words “lost and found.”

Consider this your invitation on a virtual journey. There is no need to leave your husband, wife, children, job – physically. However, following Jesus means you must act as if you have quit your job, left your family and sold your home. If you are willing to leave these things behind, then I would like you to come on a journey with me. Lets follow Jesus together. It will not be easy. Even though this is ‘virtual,’ this in no way is pretend or imaginary. In fact, this journey may be the hardest thing you or I have ever done. Your life will change. It simply has to change. When you follow Jesus, your life has a new focus and people and work and things look differently.

Long ago Paul took a virtual journey. Jesus had long since died. He had risen from the grave and had even returned to the right hand of God. However, Paul met Jesus and his life was never the same. It took him many years before he could do or say anything. After all, he was a Jew. Jesus (also a Jew) asked Paul to stop terrorizing him and instead follow. He spent some time in the desert to come to grips with this. This virtual journey with Jesus, changed Paul and the world.

Today I ask you to pray the three charities: Faith, Hope & Love. The foundation of communities of Jesus is Love. That is because God IS Love. God is not like love. God IS Love. God is not inclined toward love. God IS Love. Our Love begins with Hope. Hope finds its way into the reality of our life and is expressed by our Faith.

Paul wrote a letter to Colossae, Greece. Paul (the virtual vagabond) encourages Jesus-followers to be devoted to prayer (4:2).
Pray to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ that his Spirit may plant in your heart – Faith in Jesus as King, Hope in life changing gospel and Love that is the trademark of God (1:3-6).

Like Paul, I invite you to follow me as I follow Jesus. Follow me not because I am anything special, but follow me as I am one who is following Jesus.

Feel free to post a thought. Thanks for being you. Thanks for coming.

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