Monday, October 11, 2004

Real Learning

Being away and in an environment that I sit and I learn is very important. I feel it is vital for those who talk a lot to spend a great deal of time listening. I am thankful to all those who allow me this opportunity to listen and be quit.

This week Dr. Peace has begun discussion about transformative Bible study. He says that there is a difference between teaching and learning. It is one thing to teach something and another thing entirely to learn. Many teachers are too preoccupied with teaching and not learning.

Peace believes that adults are, without exception, creative individuals. The tricky task of teaching is bringing out their creativity. I really resonate with his thinking. He feels that the task of teachers and preachers is to create multiple places were people can encounter scripture in a transformative way.

So, here is my thought, or my question: are Christians and churches more focused on teaching people or on helping them learn?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or could it be that churches teach people to think like them instead of guiding them to learn from God?