Tuesday, April 11, 2006

One Holy Place

This is an important week. What makes it important is remembering what happened during this week. For me it is another busy week. It is easy to "forget" the meaning of Holy Week even as we busily try to "remember" it and honor Jesus.

Yesterday in staff meeting, I read from the prophet Isaiah and shared this passage. The quote came via the Upper Room email. I do not know the author nor the book, but the words communicated deep meaning to me. Read through this a couple times (italics are mine).
THE REVEALING of the Holy One is what we need to transform our lives. We need to know that the ground on which we are standing is holy ground. When we have found one truly holy place, then all places become holy.

-- David Adam
This week I anticipate unwrapping Jesus from the tomb. This week I anticipate entering the sadness of Jesus death. This week, I need Jesus to be unwrapped so that I can be different.

What I forget is that I am standing on holy ground. Wherever I am located is holy ground. It is not holy because I am there. The ground is holy because God is at work if I will but see it. Will I be alert enough to recognize the holiness of each moment he gives me.

The holiness of changing a diaper, choosing my words with a friend, eliminating my words in the car, stopping "to listen" instead of hurrying "to do" the holy. May you find holy ground everywhere you go this week.

1 comment:

Brady Bryce said...

Mark -
Thanks for your thoughts and encouragement. Your email was a profound encouragement!! Thanks for being our guest at the Oaks Sunday . . . a guest who serves.