Thursday, August 11, 2005



I had no time. If I stopped for breakfast, then I would be late. So, I grabbed a banana.

Looking at the banana, its greenness made me pause. It was not ripened on the tree. It was Picked early to arrive at my grocery story at the perfect time. Consumers do not like brown banana. Grocery stores would rather wait on a green banana, than toss a brown banana. But this banana was not quite ready for me to eat.

So, I put the banana in my window sill. A little sun would turn the green to yellow and ripen it up a little bit.

Timing, they say is everything. Bananas taste different when they are green, yellow or brown. Jokes are funny when the timing is right. Music becomes music only when the notes are properly spaced. The notes we play are important. However, it is the silence in between the notes that makes the music heard.

Timing matters. Yesterday yellow caught my eye. I forgot about that breakfast banana. It has been sitting in my office window sill for more than a week. It must have quickly moved from green to yellow all the way to a lovely brown. I missed the perfect timing.

Life could be described as knowing what time it is. Is it time to move or stay put? Eat or hunger? Correct or be corrected? Save or be saved? Everything has its time (see chapter three of Ecclesiastes)

May your words,
May your movements,
May your discipline,
May your work,
And may your faith be properly balanced
between silence and speech,
greenness and brownness
So that your timing
Gives way to God's timeliness
for the glory of God.

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